そのうち西の地平線が落日の赤味を失い、深く濃い藍色の空全体と、もう色を失った森や大地のかすかな起伏を、地の涯のみぎわの金色の一本の線が分けると、ほんの一瞬、銀色の飾りの一つ一つが、その金色のかすかな光を映し、過ぎ行く夏の黄昏の一刻に、最後の別れを告げていた。 The western horizon turned from red to gold and for a brief moment, the silver decorations caught the gold of the late summer twilight, and reflected it back in farewell. The forest, the hills
and valleys lost their colors, the light faded and the dark came
suddenly like the darkness in my hut when the lamp is switched
off. Stars began appearing all over the night sky. |